Dec 18, 2012

Tipping the hat to Tony Jones

Saturday in Boise will forever go down as a special day. Utah State capped off its best season in school history with a bowl victory, but also saw the memorable careers of a handful of seniors come to an end. Some of these seniors were parts of three or four win teams, riding the rise of the program all the way to this year's 11-2 record.

It was also the last day for another guy who has been a big part of Utah State athletics for the last five years. Tony Jones has officially made the transition to his new beat over at the Salt Lake Tribune after a run of bringing as good of media coverage as Utah State University has ever seen. Whether it was his post game stories, player features, breaking news via Twitter, or detailing all the breaking news on the Aggieville blog, Tony was on top of everything. Dude just has a knack for writing about a game or seeing stories about players that most others didn't notice. As a fellow journalist, that's especially impressive to see.

You see, media mas changed quite a bit in the last five years. And while plenty of reporters and media outlets have struggled to adjust to those changes, Tony knocked it all out of the park. And on top of that, he was active on Twitter, accepted Facebook friend requests, and essentially was always open to discussion of USU athletics with anyone willing to strike up conversation.

For a school that has often falt cast by the wayside from the Salt Lake media in the past, Tony Jones always made the Aggies a story worth reading.

Plus, he's a hell of dude to top it all off.

So while one era ends, a new one begins. Monday appeared to by the first full-time day for Kyle Goon's coverage of the Aggies, and if you're asking this guy's opinion, the great coverage hasn't missed a beat at all so far with the blogging and Tweeting. Maybe the best coverage USU has seen is still yet to come and Kyle Goon ends up as the guy to make that happen. But regardless of how well Kyle has taken the passing of the torch in stride, it was Mr. Jones who set the pace.

So with all that said, I think I speak for myself and plenty of Aggie fans when I say...

"Thanks for kicking so much ass at your job Tony Jones. It's been a hell of a ride the last five years, and you deserve all the good things you've got going, and still coming your way. Best of luck down there my dude!!!"

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