Jan 22, 2012

Vandals win 57-54... Not happy about this.

So, let's talk basketball strategy for a bit...

 - When you have only a four-point lead over a team with just under four minutes left to play in a game, chances are you will need to score more than just one point in the final 3:45 to hold on for the win.

 - Turning the ball over on four out of five possessions prior to a final attempt at a game-tying 3-pointer is a no-no... You see, if you don't turn the ball over like that and maybe even make a basket or two in that span, you won't even need to be looking to tie the game with a 3-pointer.

 - One, yes ONE field goal attempt in the last four minutes of the game for Utah State. That one attempt being the attempted game-tying 3-pointer.


  •  Preston Medlin led the team in points, rebounds, assists and steals. If anybody would care to give him a hand, it might be appreciated.
  • Danny Berger finally gets back into double-figures... If calling him out like I did fixed that slump, then I sure hope the team responds to the next entry to this website that's coming after this post game.
  • In what crazy, mixed-up world do the starting big men on a Stew Morrill team only combine to have seven field goal attempts??? They made six of those seven too. Only combining for six rebounds isn't exactly encouraging, but rebounding wasn't the problem tonight, and Ben Clifford picked up a lot of that slack off the bench with six boards of his own. Still, the lack of shot attempts for the bigs is totally indicative of how non-Morrillesque this team feels.
  • Speaking of rebounding... Medlin and Pane combined to outrebound all the big men tonight.
  • Finally snapped that streak of the team only dishing eight assists in a game... by only getting SEVEN assists...
  • Seriously... ONE field goal ATTEMPT in the last four minutes... I would call bullshit on that stat infinity times out of infinity if someone told me that actually happened in a game had I not witnessed it for myself.

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