Aug 25, 2012

10 crucial Aggies: No. 1 - Matt Wells

When news broke this winter that Dave Baldwin would not return as USU's offensive coordinator, not many Aggie fans were terribly upset. As good as Baldwin's offenses were able to produce at times, the most consistent aspect of his coaching was that the offense would disappear in the fourth quarter of games.

Aside from even that though, Baldwin struggled to adjust his strategies mid-game, and often times seemed to never want to give the ball to a certain guy now playing for the Seattle Seahawks (not Bobby Wagner, smart asses).

Baldwin is out. Matt Wells is in.

Now the task falls on Wells to the elements of what Baldwin did well, while recognizing where things went wrong and rectifying those holes in things. Based on how well Wells did in year one as a quarterbacks coach, helping groom both Chuckie Keeton and Adam Kennedy to stardom, he seems like a guy that really gets it.

What it comes down to more than anything else is this: SCORE POINTS IN THE FOURTH QUARTER!!!

Utah State's defense looks like it will be more than capable of keeping the team in games. And even if the offense doesn't have the same ceiling of production that it had under Baldwin, if they can be good for all four quarters of each game, that'll be an upgrade.

If I thought it was a sure thing that Wells would outshine Baldwin's record-setting offenses this season, he probably wouldn't be on this list at all. The offense needed some fresh leadership though, and that's what they're getting in Wells. If he's able to orchestrate the same efficiency that "good Dave" was able to, and on a consistent basis, this team will be scary. If he can at least just be consistently above average, it should still make for a very good team.

It's just a matter of actually making it happen now. Wells has had impressive success in every coaching stop he's had, coaching guys at a handful of different positions to national honors and even a couple NFL draft picks. Going from position coach to offensive coordinator is a big leap though, and he's got something all new to prove with this promotion.

It's showtime now for Matt Wells to show what he can really do when given the offensive reigns. If he shines in this spotlight, a conference title could be on the way.

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