Aug 29, 2012

The Next-Level Aggie FAN Preview - A Game Day Guide

Part 4 of 4: The Fans

Technically this is part four of the preseason preview, but for today there won't be any vibes, just a simple framework that, if followed, will produce excellence. This guide is and will be everything you need it to be in order to make a our home-field advantage at Romney Stadium something that has legitimate and major impact on every game. If everyone can get on board with these simple philosophies, Logan can become a place that strikes fear into opposing football teams much like it has for basketball teams for years now.

You see, there's four phases to a great football team. Offense, defense, special teams, and FANS!! Every one of those can be game-changers, and while 3/4ths of those are out of the fan's control, that fourth phase sits entirely in the hands of those of us in the crowd

So let's break this down bit by bit!


Think back to where we were six years ago... Getting our asses kicked up and down the field, no players to really get excited about, barely winning a single game... It was horrible. The idea of a even a winning season seemed like an impossibility, let alone being viewed as a respectable and up-and-coming college football program.

Yet here we are! We've got a great coach who has assembled some great talent, we've got facilities that rival some of the nation's top programs and keep improving, we've got a major national sponsor who has revamped our image both locally and nationally; We've got so many things that it seemed impossible for Utah State to have just a few years ago.

All of that is as good a reason as you'll find to pack a stadium and lose your freaking mind for your team!


The ever-ongoing debate of what is acceptable fan behavior while still being respectful to those around you...

On one hand, there's a handful of us (at least on the old people's side) who love to be loud and rowdy, but at times it feels like we're the only ones. Then there's those who think that they should be able to yell loud and stand up to cheer whenever they see fit. While there's a bit of a balance on things about what is acceptable, here's what it most important... TEAM FIRST!!!

A lot of people have different opinions about what their game day experience should be like, which leads to debates and arguments about acceptable fan behavior. Put the team first and things should always end up working well. If you are loud, rowdy, involved AND friendly enough to encourage other people around you to join in, that excitement is infectious. Yell loud, make friends, high-five strangers and have fun with it!

If you are loud, rowdy, pissed off, or whatever, just don't be an over the top jackass. That, and don't swear around kids.

But above all else, stand up, yell loud and get crazy FOR THE TEAM!!!


So, you've probably heard it all before, but why not hit on it again. After all, not everyone sells their soul to football season like the crazies among us who write blogs like this.


1. When USU is on Defense, BE LOUD AS ALL HELL!!!
As mentioned above, you do it for the team. Be a nutjob out there, yelling your lungs out to help create confusion for the opposing team's offense. Doing something like causing a five-yard penalty from a false start can kill a drive for them and change a game for the Aggies. Bring the pain!!

 2. When USU is on Offense, SHHHHHHHHH!!!!
It's the flip side to rule No. 1. You don't want to disrupt our offense while they're on the field. Don't yell or chant while they out there lining up. During the play and right after the play ends, go crazy, but then once the team is back in the huddle, it's quiet time all over again.

NON-GOLDEN RULES, but still important

It's a college football game, never a fashion show. Wear your team's gear, especially their colors.

This is for you students! After touchdowns, pick up one of your friends and do some push-ups. One for every point the Aggies have. 

It's college football. It's supposed to be a blast for everyone. Is there anything better in this world than throwing on your school's colors with you and all your friends to go out on a beautiful summer night and lose your minds for some gridiron action? I say "Nay!"

It's as good as it gets out there, and now we even have a good team down on the field! Make it worth it for them, and go crazy to get your money's worth too! Nobody is going to hold anything against you after the game if you went totally crazy while something epic happened on the field.


So let's summarize all of this...
  • We battled through some incredibly dark days, so why not go crazy for the good thing we have going?
  • It hangs on the locals to help the students bring things to a new level at Romney Stadium
  • Be loud, be rowdy, go crazy, drink beer, be friendly, high-five lots, make friends, but DON'T be an over-the-top idiot!! (and no bad words around the kids dammit!)
  • On defense, BE LOUD!!!
  • On offense, SHHHHHH!!!
  • Wear Aggie blue
  • Do crowd push-ups (students)
  • Have some freakin fun!
See you all in the tailgate lot tomorrow, and if not there, then in the stadium! Go Aggies!!!

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