Sep 18, 2012

Needing To Have A Talk With Bill Busch

Dear Bill,

I didn't want things to have to come to this, because I really do think you're good for this coaching staff... But we need to talk.

Before I say anything else, let me just say that I think you've done a phenomenal job with the safeties at USU since you've been here. Whether it was in those two years as defensive coordinator or in the last season and a quarter as the safeties coach, that part of the secondary has been killin it!

Both of the starting safeties from your first year here made it to NFL training camp rosters when their time here was done, and we didn't seem to miss a beat losing either of them. Both Alfred Bowden and Walter McClenton turned into solid players back there for you, and it looks like McKade Brady and Brian Suite are going to be a superstar duo this season.

That track record isn't just good, it's great!!

The whole defensive coordinator thing didn't work out so hot. In total yards allowed, the team finished No. 100 in the country in 2009 and No. 113 in 2010. It just seemed that the job was better suited for someone else.

So you got demoted from defensive coordinator to safeties coach/special teams coordinator. Going from a major role on the staff to a lower-level responsibility without pouting or letting your ego dictate you leaving to go elsewhere speaks to some character. You and Gary are obviously friends and want to work together, and to take a straight up demotion is both unusual and bad ass of you.

Something isn't working with the special teams Bill... And by "something", I kind of mean everything.

Let's start with the coverage teams... I don't get why, even after four recruiting classes here, that we still have defensive starters out on the coverage teams. It's not all starters, but it's certainly too many. Those roles are the kinds that young guys should be dying to fill. When they have an upperclassman starting at their position over them, special teams is their gateway to playing time.

But it seems like the challenge hasn't been issued there. That reckless abandon of ferocity from freshman, sophomores and maybe even the walk-on upperclassmen is what turns the heads of coaches. It also creates a mentality of hustle and tenacity from these guys that is great to have if they do end up as starters, and warms them up to the physicality of college football.

Still, we see lots of starters on the kick and punt coverage teams. And they can't be off the hook for things like last Saturday's punt return touchdown allowed or the kick return allowed against Auburn last year. But I can't help but think that these guys are worried about getting hurt out there, at least more so than a guy who isn't starting and has nothing to lose by going all out. Not to say injuries are likely, or a measure of success, but fact is the starters have more to lose, thus more in their head.

Let's inspire those young guys to step up and make coverage teams their do-or-die kind of passion.

I can't be the only one who feels like Tyler Bennett has actually gotten worse this season, can I? His punts are very hit or miss, which is enough of a red flag to mention. We need consistency from that spot. The team was bailed out over and over by the defense stuffing Wisconsin. The Badgers still had a short field to work with all day, and by out-punting the Aggies, our own offense had a longer field in front of them all game.

Let's get statistical on this bitch...

In the Andersen era, Utah State has made just 58.8 percent of field goal attempts. When it comes to going for it on 4th down, the conversion rate is 57.4 percent.

We joke about how going for it on 4th down might be the better option with our kicking game, but that's really the case. with essentially the same odds of hitting a field goal as there is getting a first down, the end result is going to either be a closer field goal attempt or a touchdown. The benefits outweigh the risk of a turnover on downs, and in my opinion by quite a bit.

The kicking game just has never been consistent here. None of the different kickers to come through the system have developed into a consistent field goal threat, which makes me wonder if it's an aspect of coaching or practice habits.

Doubling as safeties coach and special teams coordinator seems like it would conflict. While the kickers and punters do their own thing at practice, I assume you've got to be over coaching the safeties with the defense.

So I wonder, would you be willing to give up the special teams duties after this season? I know we probably can't make a change mid-season, just maybe give the kickers and punters a little more coaching love in practice and put the pressure onto the young guys to step up and perform on the coverage teams. It's another demotion technically, but at the same time, it could benefit the team if the special teamers have more focus on them from the coaching staff. And really, Andersen demoted himself this past offseason when he gave up defensive coordinator duties for Dave Aranda, and look how well that has worked out so far.

I don't want you to think you're unwanted, because like I said, the safeties have been awesome. I also think the character it took to give up defensive coordinator while staying on staff like you did is the kind of character anyone wants around.

Something needs to be done with the special teams though. They've just been really really bad, and it cost us maybe the biggest win in this program's history. And it's not just this year, it's been an ongoing thing now for a fourth straight season. McKade and Brian look to be in great shape at safety, so maybe spend a lot of quality time this week with Josh, Tyler, Nick, Brock, Jaron and all the young guys dying for playing time on coverage teams.

Chances are everyone will do well at getting over the Wisconsin game if we pulled off a win at BYU in a few weeks.

Wish you all the best from here on out Bill!


  1. Excellent article. I agree 100%. I really hope the special teams players (especially the kickers) can regain some confidence and improve this season. We are going to need them.

  2. If this team is going to be the 11-1 team we know they can be, the tough games against YBU and Louisiana Tech can't be hindered by not making field goals and back field position due to punts.
