Sep 21, 2012

Injuries starting to take their blows

All things considered, Utah State has been pretty fortunate when it comes to battling the injury bug so far this football season. That honeymoon seems to be officially over now though. And even basketball might have some bad news of its own. Let's run down the blows that injuries have had so far...

We all saw the injury in the Southern Utah game, and at the time it looked to be something at least mildly serious. Then AFK kinda shocked us by being back in action already against Utah and again against Wisconsin. Seemed like everything was fine and dandy, right?

Apparently that was wrong. Kennedy's hurt, bad enough that the injury could be season-ending as Tony Jones reported. In his place, Devonta Glover-Wright is apparently going to be the backup quarterback moving forward. He played it at the junior college level and the coaches apparently believe he can get the job done. Hopefully he never needs to though. That Keeton kid ain't bad.

Apparently AFK has a redshirt year available though, and with him having played in less than 30 percent of the games this year, that could be an option if it's indeed a season-ender. If he wanted to come back for another year, that would be fantastic! Could be tough for Jeff Manning to swallow down at No. 3 on the depth chart for next year, but with Kennedy's skill and leadership, he's an asset to any team.

Stay tuned on this one.

This is the one that really hurts right now. Like Kennedy, Molina-Sanchez's season very well could be over, and the offensive line is hurting from it. Molina-Sanchez was one of three guys on the team all entering their third season starting together along with Eric Schultz and Tyler Larsen. Not only that, but he was just a pretty damn good football player.

His absence was obvious in the Wisconsin game though. Again, I don't wanna sound like I'm bagging on Kevin Whimpey, but he got murdered on the left side all game. Keeton had almost no pass protection from over there and running the ball to the left was basically not an option. Unless Whimpey makes some serious progress this week, a change will be needed, if it hasn't already been made.

Maybe Jamie Markosian can play tackle, with Bryce Walker getting a shot at guard? Just spitballing there, so don't take it and run with it. Logan Malohifo'ou could get his shot too after looking impressive this past offseason.

Haven't talked Aggie basketball in a while now, but news calls for it.

Rumor has that junior college transfer Sean Harris re-injured the ACL injury that caused him to miss almost all of last season. This is not confirmed yet by any media source, so it's just a rumor at this point.

Still, if true, that hurts this year's basketball team a bit. Harris likely would have been the best back-to-the-basket scorer on the team this year, which is something any Stew Morrill offense can use. And while he hasn't been talked about much because of missing so much time with that knee injury, he probably would have been a much bigger story if he'd been able to play. Not sure what the possibilities are of a medical redshirt or anything, but if he were able to get one that would be quite the huge get for USU.

There's still plenty of size on this year's roster with Kyisean Reed, Ben Clifford, Jarred Shaw, Jordan Stone and Matt Lopez. The possibility of a redshirt year for Jordan Stone just got a lot more slim though, because I seriously doubt Stew Morrill is going to roll with only three big men who can play until Lopez is eligible for the sake of redshirting Stone. 

Let's hope though that the injury bug is done having its way with USU for now...

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