Sep 24, 2012

The Fighting White shall see the light

I never thought I would see the day that Utah State would be doing something like a white-out. Hell, I have actively fought against the idea for years now. There have been probably around a dozen e-mails or Facebook messages that have come my way over the past few years with people saying that Utah State should do a white out for a game.

I never agreed with this. For one, I'm all about wearing blue on game day. But more importantly, the brilliant ideas for these white outs usually came from someone wanting to sell t-shirts for their SEED program project. As if those projects weren't already annoying enough getting shoved down the throats of everyone on campus, the last thing we wanted was their annoying asses influencing the games that they probably hardly went to anyway.

Mine and plenty of others' philosophy was to just wear blue, all the time, no questions asked.

Everything kind of changed once Gary Andersen declared that a white out will be happening for the homecoming game this Saturday. And what Gary says, Gary gets!!!

So after all these years of being anti-white out, I'm fully on board with this one, and you should be too!! (What can I say? Gary's a convincing guy!)

Plus, it's a whole lot more relevant when our head football coach is declaring a game to be a white-out, rather than some renob who decided it'd be fun to screw with tradition for his school project. 

I'll be honest, I'm 100 percent behind this white out now, and I really hope everyone else is too. I was never a fan of gimmicks like this, but then again, I've never been alive to see USU football have a 3-1 record. Andersen's turnaround of this program is complete. Now it's just a matter of what heights we go to!

But among a lot of fans, skepticism remains, and for good reason. Epic letdowns have happened before (see homecoming last year against Colorado State).

With the excitement still lingering from the most rocking crowd Romney Stadium has ever seen from the Utah game, capturing that excitement as best we can once again is crucial. Another epic day out at Romney, along with some more winning, might actually have crowds packing the stadium later into the season for once.

That kind of support is absolutely essential to the growth of this program too.

The new battle cry of The HURD says it best. Imagine being in a packed Romney Stadium come Saturday. You're wearing your Fighting White for once at a game and all you see around you are your fellow Aggie fans wearing the exact same thing! It's a level of unity that Aggie fans haven't been lucky enough to experience for a long long time, if ever for us young guns.

I know for me though, the idea of seeing something like this incites a though of, "Holy s***!!! We're a part of something amazing right now, and we're all in this together!"

This season is quickly turning into something epic, and there's no question Utah State fans have the capabilities of doing some epic things like we've seen for years in The Spectrum. It's time to make Romney Stadium that same way. There's finally reason for everyone to be excited and to STAY excited.

This unity on Saturday can be what helps propel everything to the next level. Let's make it something special!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a fan of white outs either and at first glance the poster struck me as odd, almost unintentionally racist. I know that isn't the case, it just too me a moment to process the information because it was so different from the typical aggie blue with silver...excuse me, pewter. When did Logan go from painting the town blue to blanketing it in white?
