Dec 1, 2011

Cause and effect.... and then some.

*EDIT* - This song feels just so damn applicable tonight! 

Since there have been plenty of rumors and misconceptions about what happened Wednesday at The Spectrum with "The Protest", let's clear up most of those, shall we? And when that's done, I'm going to share some of my own thoughts on this matter and some of the opinions that flew around Facebook and Twitter afterward.

First off, the game against Denver was not lost by the lack of students. Denver is a good team that played great and won. It's as simple as that.

Second, the sit-down had nothing to do with the basketball team, and I am sure everyone feels terrible if the players thought any of that had to do with them. I can only imagine how gut-wrenching it must have been for those guys on the front row to restrain themselves there, all the while fearing that anything they did or said might get them kicked out of the building. I can't imagine any of them really wanted or hoped that things would come to that, but when the hammer was thrown down before the game, they felt the need to show what things would be like with the muzzle placed over them, because essentially, that's what happened.

Prior to the game, students were told by event staff and athletic department personnel that basically everything they've ever done at games is no longer allowed. The mildest of infractions, such as saying "suck" or "stupid" would result in them being removed from the game and having their student ID cards confiscated. 

Before this, there was not going to be any kind of protest. Yes, plenty of people were pissed about "The Apology", and the idea of a protest had been presented but also widely shot down over at Prior to this leash being put on the students, "The Protest" was not going to happen.

When things got sprung on them right before the game. they made the decision to protest a whole three minutes of the game. And who could blame them? The powers that be were trying to kill The Spectrum as we know it. Of course they would want to send some kind of message that they aren't happy about getting treated like shit.

The USU basketball crowd has brought more recognition to the university over the past three years than any other aspect of the school. They're regarded as one of, if not the best student section in the country, and suddenly because some BYU people got hurt feelings, Stan and Scott are meddling with a thing of legend.

But above and beyond just the recognition the students have brought, they also voted to more than double the student athletics fee back in 2009.

In other words, the Utah State student section at The Spectrum has done nothing but help Albrecht and Barnes throughout their time at USU. So when those two described people who have relentlessly helped them out as "beyond human decency", god damn right they should be upset about it!!!

More than anything though, Stan and Scott sucked the fun out of The Spectrum Wednesday night. If going to Aggie basketball games isn't fun anymore, and students are constantly afraid that something they do will get them kicked out, they aren't going to come. Nobody wants The Spectrum to have to live up to some BYU-friendly standards. That isn't what has made The Spectrum great. Being relentless, punishing, furious and dominating is what makes The Spectrum great.

Even things as great as The Spectrum can be delicate, and when you have something great, the last thing you want to do is meddle with it. But that's what is happening. If that leash that was put on the students Wednesday becomes something regular, The Spectrum as I've always known it will have that era closed.

The rest might best be said in bullet points

  • The problem isn't that the students put themselves above the team, the problem is that Stan and Scott put BYU above their own students. Party foul.
  • The last people that have room to talk about lack of student involvement are the USU alumni. Until you aren't the quietest, most uninvolved, least enthused fans out there, you have no room to crack on the students
  • Speaking of the alumni, some indeed did complain that things got too rowdy against BYU and they crucified the students for it. Now things are more mild and they crucify the students for it. Make up your damn minds!
  • "The Protest" did not cost USU the game. Denver did. They were really good, and played great.
  • Stan Albrecht was at the game tonight. He left early. Let's hear it for dedication, eh?

Hope that helps clear things up for everyone as to how things came about with "The Protest". Whether or not you agree with it, the problem is still that the administration threw the students under the bus, and even that wasn't enough. They're trying to kill The Spectrum and the students are fighting it. My biggest hope out of this is that Stew Morrill thoroughly tears Stan and Scott a new one and says "BACK THE HELL OFF MY CROWD!!!"

Maybe I'm just up too late after a tough loss and blogging too much, but that's my honest takes. The USU students have continually redefined greatness, and they keep getting nothing but hate and reprimand from alumni and administration, seemingly no matter what they do.

In Stew we trust.


  1. Spot on. Couldn't agree more! The letter was bad enough, but to then go further and handcuff the students is just plain "stupid, stupid, stupid!"

  2. I can't believe the administration is so uptight about this. It's simple entertainment!

    I live up here in Idaho. Normally I try to make it down to a couple of games a year. I'd go to all of them if I could. I wear my blue Aggie T-shirt even though I'm a middle-aged bald guy. If I can get one of my daughters to sneak me into the student section, all the better!

    A few years ago my wife and I were at a game, and the students started chanting something "a little crazy". She gave me that "I'm shocked!" look... I looked back at her and said, "There's no manners in Aggie basketball!!", with a big smile on my face. Meaning, going to the game you're with a whole bunch of normally great people who live decent lives and don't do bad things, but they get to go a game and let their hair down a bit... say crazy things and afterward return to normalcy. Its all just harmless fun.

    But if it's no longer fun, I might not be making the drive down there quite so much.

  3. Say what you want, but here's the words of your point guard: “We were just coming off a two-game road trip,” senior point guard Brockeith Pane said. “To come back home and not have our fans there hurt the team. I know it hurt me.”
