Dec 1, 2011

We can only go up from here... hopefully. 67-54, Denver

Tough crowd tonight, but when every attempt
at a run is thwarted, it's tough to get going.
There's really not a whole lot that can be said about tonight's game...

Denver won the turnover battle, got more shots and made more shots. As has been the case far too often this year, USU did not rack up many assists. Much of the credit has to go to Denver on that one. Really most of the credit has to go to Denver. They were everything they were hyped up to be. They played solid defense across the board, shot the ball well, kept turnovers low and let their experience carry them.

This game wasn't lost because of the crowd, or officiating, or anything other than Denver was a very very good basketball team who made every big play they had to, controlled the tempo of the game and had an answer to everything USU threw their way.

Denver did what so few before them have done... Denver won in The Spectrum. A 33-game streak is broken and the team is at a new low point for the season. When it comes to Aggie basketball, there's not much lower than you can get than losing in The Spectrum, so the hope is that things can only go up from here.The potential is still very much there, but so is the youth. Right now, without Brady Jardine especially, the veteran leadership is falling almost entirely on the shoulders of Brockeith Pane and Morgan Grim.

This looks like Stew's toughest task he's had yet at USU, but given the potential on the roster, I don't doubt at all that this team can come together and do some great things. And with that test being the toughest, if these Aggies can pull out another WAC championship, or even just win three games in March down in Las Vegas, it would have to be one of the biggest accomplishments Stew has pulled off. But they're young, and with that youth will come games like tonight. With each of those rough games though comes another harsh lesson for these guys. They still need to take their lumps and they still need to build and improve. If there's one lesson that Utah State football taught us this year though, it's that you NEVER give up on your Aggies.

195-14... There's nothing I hate worse than a loss at The Spectrum... But there's nothing I love more than storming the court for a WAC Tournament title. Chances are the latter of those two isn't going to happen unless the fans rally around this team and do their part to bring back the magic of The Spectrum.

But for now, unfortunately, that is a whole other topic that's getting its own separate attention.

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