Nov 6, 2011

Sunday shorties: Now that the adrenaline has subsided

Portrait of a douchebag: Hawaii's Aaron Brown
A few thoughts about Saturday's game that didn't quite fit in with an attempt at an inspirational recap last night...

1) Chuckie Keeton

Undoubtedly most important is that all reports indicate that Chuckie Keeton will be okay. To what extent he's okay, we're still not sure. Tony Jones tweeted that it's a spinal chord stinger and a sprained back. Having given up on the family business of medicine long long ago, I'm not sure what that means for his season or career.

Thank god though that we don't have a case of a Gerry Bertier on our hands. Neck and back injuries are very scary, and this probably could have been a hell of a lot worse, so the fact that our fallen soldier will rise again is great news.

2) Adam Kennedy

I'll admit, based on everything I watched during training camp, I thought Kennedy should have been the starter at Auburn. He just looked more in control, more composed and more precise with his passing at every practice I watched. Now, Keeton wasted no time in completely winning me over and from there I never really looked back.

For as good as Keeton has been all year, remember that not too long ago the coaching staff was torn as to who between Keeton and Kennedy would indeed be the starter. While game experience goes a long way, there's a lot more practice experience that happens throughout the course of a season and plenty of opportunities for Kennedy to progress as a football player too.

I wouldn't have thought USU was in bad hands with AFK at the helm prior to Saturday, and I sure as hell feel okay about him leading the offense after Saturday.

3) Dave Baldwin

As I tweeted late last night, touche Dave Baldwin... touche...

Whether part of it was the team rallying and stepping everything up or not, the play calling was stepped up right there with them. Shots were taken downfield and shots were converted downfield for the entire second half. Hopefully that philosophy is contagious with Baldwin going into the rest of the season.

4) Aaron Brown

The Hawaii linebacker who recovered the fumble on the play where Keeton was injured showed that he's still the same ghetto-trash asshole that he was when he was arrested for getting into a fight in a night club prior to the start of the season. 

While Keeton was laying motionless on the field, without use of his body, and while Brown's team was already up 21-7 in a game, the world got a taste of just how big of a bad ass Brown thinks he is when the cameras showed him on the sideline pounding his chest, high-fiving teammates and screaming, "Get his ass off the field!!!"

Now, here at TSS, don't expect to see the word "classless" ever thrown out. That word is just kinda reeks of "pansy little bitch", and I'm happy to let BYU fans sit on their high horse and have that adjective all to themselves.

Aaron Brown is just an asshole. He probably won't be suspended or reprimanded in any way for his actions, and really, he probably shouldn't be beyond maybe a coach telling him that he should handle himself like a sportsman rather than some thug who takes joy in an opponent's injury. What happened to Keeton was unfortunate, but it was a clean hit and a clean play. It was unclean sportsmanship though.

Sadly, based on what we've seen, Brown will probably even more stoked on the idea of being hated on, but chances are that's just a reflection of him and his university.

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