Nov 13, 2011

Sunday shorties: How's that for a weekend?

Let's throw down just a few other tidbits before the weekend officially ends. Still a few minutes until midnight, so let's do this thing.

1) Adam Kennedy
Not too shabby of an encore performance for the junior quarterback after the legendary comeback at Hawaii. It wasn't quite as smooth of sailing as things went on the island, but completing 21-of-27 passes for 255 yards and two touchdowns is pretty impressive for a first career start. The interception wasn't a good one, and the fumble was something that needs to be avoided, but I'm willing to blame half of that on the rough weather conditions. At the end of the day, homeboy is 2-for-2 on 4th quarter comebacks. I'll take it.

2) Kyisean Reed
Still blown away by his rebounding in the second half Friday.

3) #OccupyTheSpectrum
If you did this, you are awesome. No two ways about it.

4) Weber State on Tuesday
As big of a game as BYU was, this one should be bigger. Most college basketball writers (myself included), believe that to start this season, Weber State is the team to beat in the State of Utah. Yes, you heard me right. Don't take them at all lightly. Last time around the students bought up tickets in sections L and M. Stick with that plan. If those sections sell out, buy up K and N after that.

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