Oct 8, 2012

100,000 hits, 200 posts and a million thanks!!!

I swear I didn't plan on this being the 200th post. That was just random coincidence that I realized on the post counter after typing a completely different beginning to this whole thing.

Let's get to the point of this though, shall we?

With this being the 200th post, it's somewhat of a double-milestone here at The Sagebrush Spot. This weekend also welcomed the 100,000th page view of this website!!!

This site won't turn a year old until more than two weeks from now, yet somehow, someway, people found the motivation to click their way over here 100,000 separate times in only 50 weeks. It's a number that I still almost can't wrap my head around, and as badly as I wanted to write some elaborate, fancy, well-written way to say thanks to everyone, each attempt at starting such a thing fell flat because I didn't feel it could do justice to gratitude.

I fancy myself an okay writer. A person who possesses a way with with words, if you will. Even still, I feel like whatever I write would be understating how grateful I really am to everyone for their support!!!

For something like this especially, where I'm not getting paid and have to allot my own time to make it happen, these numbers are what make it worth it. That and because it's something I love to do, but without numbers validating each post, even I would probably focus on more traditional writing for some other outlet.

You might not have even thought anything of it really, but every little thing makes an impact and keep my motor going to make this happen.

Every comment on an article...

Every re-Tweet...

Every "like" on Facebook...

Every one of the 100,000 page views...

Every one of those and plenty more are what have kept, and will keep this thing going. And to all of that, I cannot thank everyone enough!!!

Go Aggies!


  1. Thank you for your insights and views. Especially after tough losses, you have a way to help Aggie fans cope and help us Stand Strong Stand Together.

  2. I just realized you weren't Graham Terry. Last page view outta me.

  3. No...THANK YOU Faf!

    From all of us at USUFans...we appreciate all you do!
    You're the best.

