Oct 2, 2012

Let's Get Classless!!! Rivalry Week Is Upon Us

WARNING!!! - This entry WILL be labeled as "classless" by BYU fans. They will also probably come and read in droves but continue to insist that they don't care about USU one bit.

But it's rivalry week, and I'm not going to pretend like I don't want to crush these bastards, because I do. And no matter what they say, this game means something to them, they just can't bring themselves to admit it. They are afraid that they're about to slip down another level on the totem pole of college football in the Beehive State.

I don't care much for trying to play nice with the team down south, so read/enjoy this at your own risk.


There was this weird grasp of reality that seemed to overtake BYU fans for a little bit there when their team was 2-2. Browsing around Cougarboard.com (self-inflicted pain, I know) for that little while, Cougar fans seemed to be learning a little bit of critical thinking about their team, their coaches and overall future of their program. It was very odd to see...

Then they beat an awful Hawaii team and went right on back to being themselves. You know, the people who are the real preseason favorites for the national title every September. The people who cherish Provo as their own personal heaven while everyone outside of it can't imagine a worse version of hell. The people who will rush the field after their comeback win against USU last year, but still refuse to acknowledge it as an in-state rivalry. Or the kinds that a few years back refused to come play basketball in Logan after USU won four games straight against them.

To them, they are perfect and untouchable in every way imaginable. They think all other schools envy what they have and are just dying to be like them. And when it comes to opposing fans, everyone else is nothing but "classless" (which I refer to simply as "The C-word"). But what they overlook is that they embody pretty much every negative aspect of every fan base all into one big intolerable package. 

If you want a cookie-cutter example, look no further than this website's game-preview for last year's basketball game when BYU rolled into Logan. Based off their comments on the preview and the postings about it on Cougarboard.com, this website was run by shameless homer morons who had no clue about anything... Or in their words, "Typical Aggies". The 67-60 final score prediction was close, but no cigar. The actual game ended 69-62, which in the end, validated every negative thing the BYU fans said about it (sarcasm).

That preview is also still the most-viewed article on this site ever, by more than double the second highest one too. Funny how BYU fans will talk endlessly about how meaningless and irrelevant USU fans are, but they instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano once you give input on their team.

Enough with this intro though... Let's get down to the issues. There's always a few current topics that define my current for an opposing school. Whether it's shady business they're up to, hypocritical behavior, me wanting to burn on them, or just other things that deserve comment, here's what I'm burning on this Rivalry Week. So without any further ado, so let's talk some shit!

It's a rare thing for me to genuinely wish harm on a person. Aaron Brown, the guy from Hawaii who was celebrating Chuckie Keeton's injury last year, is one of them. Brandon Ogletree is the other. Ogletree was the guy who tried to intentionally break Kerwynn Williams' ankle after a play was over two years ago.

That's about as C-word of a move as you can possibly make, and I don't mean "classless" in this case. And he got away with it without consequence, which makes it even worse. The New Orleans Saints got the hammer laid down on them just for trying to ring some bells extra hard while the ball was in play. Neither of them are ok, but Ogletree's is worse by a mile. I wouldn't clap if his career ended with him being taken off on a cart with a broken leg or something like that, but a little voice in my head will simply whisper "Karma."

This time should be the last time. Plain and simple. Sadly, apparently the current contract already includes another 2-for-1 with BYU coming to Logan next year, and two more trips to Provo in 2014 and 2015.

At this point, BYU either needs to get over themselves and do a straight home-and-home, or Utah State needs to give a big solid double-barrel middle finger to them. They thought going independent was the right move for them, and because of that, they're the ones in the scheduling crunch. Not to mention, we make it easy for them by being their Friday game on conference weekend every year. Not to mention, if they're scheduling a home-and-home with Middle Tennessee State, kinda craps away their claim of wanting a strong schedule.

Reports are that things aren't exactly nasty, but not going smoothly either. If true, that just reinforces how full of themselves BYU really is if they would keep on dragging their feet over this.

#LordsUniversity??(<---- NSFW)

Sure, maybe she delivered some cheap shots in that soccer game a few years ago, but not without a lot of fans jumping on her bandwagon! Plus, that BYU girls started it with that elbow she threw. Her Facebook athlete page has almost 3,500 followers. In contrast, the most popular Facebook fan page for any BYU player that could be found was Riley Nelson's 955 followers. That many people became fans of a women's soccer player simply because she knocked around some BYU players on the field. That's how bad everyone hates you!

This is one where I hurt for Nelson more than I hurt for USU. The Aggies have never missed Nelson on the football field. He only ever won one game in an Aggie uniform anyway, and both Diondre Borel and Chuckie Keeton are far superior to Nelson as quarterbacks.

What leaves me wondering is how he ever considered himself as one of us. He comes from a family of Aggies, yet was able to go live in that hell hole down south. Granted, they've all pretty much turned on him now much like how he turned on us, but how did he ever survive living down there? That alone had to have been torture, but now to compound things, it seems like everyone at both BYU and Utah State are anti-Riley. And think of all the bad PR and even NCAA rules you got for trying to recruit guys on their missions.

I still wonder if this was all an elaborate spy mission by Nelson to unravel the BYU program from the inside, which he's doing pretty damn alright at if that's the case. And if he came clean on that one day, I'd welcome him back as a borderline Aggie legend. I mean, he did try to get that pass last year tipped away, it just got tipped the wrong direction! Gotta make you wonder if he really was trying to lose it deep down, but just had things go wrong while trying to keep from blowing his cover.

Like I've said a hundred times though, he would've never started at USU again after his mission, but he would have made a heck of a Rudy for us. It would have been better than both fan bases going sour on you.

Let's be real Cougar fans... We hate you and we're not afraid to say it. You hate us and are terrified to admit it for whatever reason. Just embrace it and let the hate flow through you!! It'll be so much more fun that way, and really, we might even hate you less if you would just be honest about things.

For some reason though, you can't let yourselves do that. You've got to keep on trying to be something you're not. We'd still hate you anyway, because outside of the denial, you're still intolerable. With some honesty though, we could maybe respect you a tiny bit.

If you're offended by a lot of what you've read, well... You were warned at the top. Maybe instead of throwing a fit over it like you usually do, take a step back and critically think to yourselves, "Wow, everyone really does hate us!"

Don't say you weren't given a few reasons why.


  1. LOVE this. Can't wait for Friday! Go Aggies!

  2. I honestly believe that sports at BYU will soon be gone as soon as church leadership realizes that their sports programs does NOT play a role in the missions of the church. It's unfortunate because I think they could be great ambassadors for the church, but for whatever reason they always end up doing the opposite. I don't know if it's the players that they recruit or what, but I have never gone to a BYU sporting event, and not wanted to punch half of their players and fans in the face. I know a lot of BYU fans that are great people off the field, but for whatever reason, act like total jackasses when sports are involved. I'm no general authority but I think it would be wise to do like they did with BYU-Idaho and get rid of sports in Provo entirely.

  3. Great article, love your spot.


  4. Oooooo you're absolutely right. The Regulators of Class will find multiple violations in this article. But not as many as they'll find on friday when the Aggies kick the kitties out of their litter box.

  5. Awesome article! yBu can eat shit

  6. Love your article, I agree completely! I think I hate Riley Nelson more than you

  7. I heartily concur on all points.

  8. Well said! Bravo. Could not have said it better if I tried. Byu players and fans are so pompous. Grew up loving BYU and LaVell, but once he left arrogance stepped in. And I cant stand'em. I'm so glad I didnt go to byu and become one of those pompous zombies. Sorry to say but I think it's the coaches that breed it into the players and then in public act humble and confused by what they are hearing. Byu sports bring out the worst in both opposing fan and loyal byu fan bases. I dont feel this way about Utes? It's Byu that caused this - they will reap their reward. I know the Brethern arent pleased with Byu sports black eye of rabbid fans/players.

  9. Without a doubt, one of the best articles I've ever read and fully sides with my feelings about Big Yucky University. They really should add a question mark to their logo.

  10. Well done Faf! I quite enjoyed this one!
