Oct 25, 2012

The Sagebrush Spot turns one year old

One year older and wiser too!

Ok, maybe not so much on the wiser part. Either way, today marks the one year anniversary of the first post to make its way onto this fair website, setting a standard of mediocrity that still lives on today! The idea for starting this thing had been in the works for a while at that time, but finally after breaking down just how poorly Dave Baldwin's offenses had done in the 4th quarter at that point last year, it was impossible to resist. Then somehow that team became the kings of 4th quarter dramatics. But hey, if talking sports and solving problems is all this website accomplishes, that's fine by me.

So here we are, with 209 total posts, somewhere around 125,000 words typed and 105,554 total page views in year one. Also worth noting that the Utah State football team has a total record of 11-3 since SagebrushSpot.com was born (fist pump). Been a fun run so far, and hopefully gets even more fun with basketball looking primed for a return to glory this year too.

Thanks again to everyone for the support! Excited to keep this train rolling!!!


  1. Congratulations! I have sincerely enjoyed reading your blog posts over the past year. Can't think of one blog post that hasn't been informative and entertaining. Well done!!
